News stories and other articles

This page provides you with links to news stories written about mainstreaming biodiversity into plantation forestry. Most of these are old news but provide the reader with a storyline of activities.

20-03-2014 – SHORT FILM SHOWCASES THE OZWATHINI FIRE PROTECTION PROJECT: The excellent work of the Ozwathini Fire Protection Project has recently been captured on film, in a short production available on YouTube.

14-11-2013 – ‘THE GRASS IS OUR BLANKET’ HIGHLIGHTS THE INNOVATIVE uMGANO COMMUNITY PROJECT: The grass is our blanket’ or ISIPHUKU KUNGUTSHANI is the name of a film recently released about one of the most successful community projects in the Grasslands Biome of South Africa.

13-11-2013 – HUGE INCREASE IN PROTECTED AREAS IN THE GRASSLANDS BIOME: The Grasslands Programme has worked with partner organisations to increase the extent of protected areas in production landscapes in the Grassland Biome.

1-11-2013 – MAPPING THE GRASSLANDS BIOME: The Grasslands Programme has been mainstreaming biodiversity into production practices across large areas of the Grasslands Biome…

14-06-2013 – IRREPLACEABLE MONTANE GRASSLANDS GAZETTED FOR PROTECTION: Eight state forest sites have been gazetted with intent to declare as forest nature reserves in terms of National Forestry Act…

5-04-2013 – GELIJKWATER MISTBELT NATURE RESERVE PROVIDES HABITAT FOR REGIONALLY THREATENED SPECIES: The recently proclaimed Gelijkwater Mistbelt Nature Reserve by Mondi is one of several areas being secured for biodiversity conservation through the KZN Biodiversity Stewardship Programme…

12-02-2013 – SAPPI: SAVING GRASSLANDS: Sappi, in partnership with the SANBI Grasslands Programme, has earmarked 10 sites on Sappi forestry estates to be declared as Nature Reserves or Protected Areas.