Flowering Plants of Africa
Since its inception in 1921, this serial, modelled on the former Curtis’s Botanical Magazine, has published well over 2 000 colour plates of African plants prepared by some 80 artists.
The object of the journal is to convey to the reader the beauty and variety of form of the African flora, to stimulate an interest in the study, conservation and cultivation of African plants, and to advance the science of botany as well as botanical art.
Full-colour plates and descriptions of plants appear in this biennial series, which has become a collector’s item of the South African flora. Published by the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI).
Flowering Plants of Africa is a peer-reviewed biennial series containing colour plates with descriptions of flowering plants of Africa and its neighbouring islands. The journal has become a collector’s item of the African and specifically South African flora. Twenty full colour plates and descriptions of plants appear in volume 66, which is dedicated to Gillian [Gill] Condy, SANBI’s recently retired resident botanical artist, in recognition of her passionate and unsurpassed documentation of indigenous flora. Contributions to this colourful edition include Moraea spathulata, Aloidendron barberae (artwork featured on the cover), Protea parvula, Agathosma adenandriflora, Chironia baccifera and Orbea namaquensis. Five new taxa (Cyrtanthus pondoensis Van Jaarsv., Albuca heydenrychii Van Jaarsv., Eucomis sonnetteana N.R.Crouch, Mart.-Azorín & J.E.Burrows, Acanthopsis pagodiformis H.M.Steyn and Senecio voigtii Van Jaars.) are published in this volume. The botanical art is mainly the work of Gillian Condy; other artists who contributed to this volume are Marieta Visagie, Ellaphie Ward-Hilhorst, Angela Beaumont and Daleen Roodt. A guide for authors and artists, and an index to species are also included. Soft cover. 250 × 190 mm. pp. 183. ISBN 978-1-928224-32-7 |
Flowering Plants of Africa is a peer-reviewed biennial series containing colour plates with descriptions of flowering plants of Africa and its neighbouring islands. The journal has become a collector’s item of the African and specifically South African flora Twenty full colour plates and descriptions of plants appear in volume 65, which is dedicated to Abraham Erasmus [Braam] van Wyk, in recognition of his inspiring teaching, considerable research outputs and substantial community service. Contributions to this colourful edition include Ipomoea bolusiana, Caesalpinia bracteata, Protea namaquana, Gladiolus crassifolius, Aloe braamvanwykii and Codonorhiza azurea. Two new taxa (Esterhuysenia lucilleae and Ruellia kaokoensis) are published in this volume. The botanical art is mainly the work of SANBI resident artist, Gillian Condy; other artists contributing to this volume are Ellaphie Ward-Hilhorst, John Manning, Marieta Visagie and Susan Abraham. A guide for authors and artists, and an index to species are also included. Soft cover. 254 × 191 mm. pp. 163. ISBN 978-1-928224-20-4 |
This volume is dedicated to Auriol Batten, one of South Africa’s finest botanical artists. Contributions to this colourful edition include Kniphofia caulescens, Aloe succotrina, Adansonia za, Acanthopsis deisperma, Vaccinium exul and Zoutpansbergia caerulea. Three new species (Ceropegia terebriformis, Othonna globosa and O. pumilio) and one new name combination (Curio muirii) are published in this volume. The botanical art is mainly the work of SANBI resident artist, Gillian Condy; other artists contributing to this volume are Mark Fothergill, Marieta Visagie and Sandie Burrows. A guide for authors and artists, and an index to species is also included. Soft cover. 254 × 191 mm. pp. 172. ISBN 978-1-928224-03-7 |
This volume is dedicated to Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden, which celebrates its centenary this year. Contributions to this colourful edition include Erica verticillata, Eulophia ensata, Aloe pavelkae, Gasteria croucheri subsp. pondoensis, Lachenalia pearsonii, Turnera oculata and many more. The botanical art is mainly the work of SANBI resident artist, Gillian Condy; other artists contributing to this volume are Tracy McLellan, Marieta Visagie, Wilna Eloff, Vicki Thomas and Susan Abraham. A guide for authors and artists and an index to species are also included. Soft cover. pp. 148. ISBN 978-1-919976-82-2 |
This volume is dedicated to Brian J. Huntley and includes, among others, recently described species of Prototulbaghia and Aloe. Other contributions to this colourful edition includes Sclerochiton triacanthus, Ficus sur, Jensenobotrya lossowiana, Millettia grandis, Xysmalobium pedifoetidum, Gladiolus cataractarum, Albuca spiralis and many more. The botanical art is mainly the work of SANBI resident artist, Gillian Condy; other artists contributing to this issue are Jeanette Loedolff, Elise Buitendag, Vicki Thomas, Angela J. Beaumont and Jenny Hyde-Johnson. There is a guide for authors and artists and an index to species. Soft cover. 250 × 190 mm. pp. 151. ISBN 978-1-919976-61-7 |
This issue includes, among others, a new species of Thorncroftia, a pineapple lily (Eucomis zambesiaca), a beautiful bulbous plant called sandui (Veltheimia bracteata), Begonia homonyma, a handsome South African species that has been in cultivation for over 150 years, the bladder-nut (Diospyros whyteana) – a fast-growing tree that will thrive in shady gardens in areas with cool or warm summers, the succulent Lavrania haagnerae of northwestern Namibia where it is endemic to the border area between the Damaraland and Kaokoveld regions, Dewinteria petrophila, which grows in crevices in granite cliffs of the western Otjihipa Mountains in northwestern Kaokoveld of northern Namibia, and Ixora foliicalyx, a Malagasy tree with beautiful white, sweetly scented flowers. The botanical art is mainly the work of SANBI resident artist, Gillian Condy; other artists contributing to this issue are Barbara Pike, Marieta Visagie, Sibonelo Chiliza, Vicki Thomas and Omer van de Kerckhove. There is a guide for authors and artists and an index to species. Soft cover. 250 × 190 mm. pp. 154. ISBN 978-1-919976-50-1 |
This issue includes, among others, a new species of Hypoxis and a new subspecies of Ledebouria ovatifolia, an Ornithogalum from sheer cliff faces in the Eastern Cape, a beautiful yellow arum lily, two gingers called Siphonochilus kirkii and Costus afer, the parasite Viscum crassulae and the mangrove Bruguiera gymnorrhiza. Also included are two pelargoniums and Stenostelma umbelluliferum, which was re-discovered after more than 100 years. The botanical art is mainly the work of SANBI resident artist, Gillian Condy; other artists contributing to this issue are Tamlin Blake, Angela Beaumont, Auriol Batten, Elsa Pooley and Sibonelo Chiliza. There is a guide for authors and artists and an index to species. Soft cover. 250 × 190 mm. pp. 144. ISBN 978-1-919976-34-1 |