Project funding

Types of projects funded by SABIF are:

  • Digitisation of Specimens
  • Digitisation of observation
  • Digitisation of multimedia records
  • Some curatorship, e.g labelling/ mounting

These are the applicants that were successful in getting the SABIF grant for the previous calls for proposals:


  1. Southern African Butterfly Conservation Assessment (SABCA)
  2. Digitisation of the Eskom Red Data Book of Birds
  3. Cataloguing and digitisation of the South African Diatom Collection
  4. Databasing of plant families Cyperaceae and Aizoaceae at Bolus Herbarium
  5. The South African National Survey of Arachnida (SANSA): continuation of electronic data capture and checking of catalogued information
  6. The Southern African Reptile Conservation Assessment (SARCA)
  7. Digitising & Geo-Referencing Plant Specimens In The Southern Cape Herbarium
  8. Rare & Threatened Plant specimen digitization for the Cape Floristic Region (CFR)
  9. Database Of South African Seaweeds: Phase 2


  1. The South African National Survey of Arachnida (SANSA): Data clearing house mechanism and consolidating of data
  2. Catalogue and Database of Southern African Bees
  3. The Albany Museum’s Freshwater Invertebrate Collection data – SABIF Migration
  4. Digitisation of the South African Diatom Collection
  5. Digitisation of the ESKOM Red Data Book of Birds
  6. Encoding Rare and Threatened Plant species in the Cape Floral Region
  7. Digitising & Geo-referencing plant specimens in the Southern Cape Herbarium
  8. South African Butterfly Conservation Assessment (SABCA)
  9. Digitising Historical Bird Riging Records
  10. Database Of South African Seaweeds: Phase 2
  11. Databasing of Plant families Cyperaceae and Aizoaceae at Bolus Herbarium


  1. Cataloguing the backlog of SAIAB (South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity) fish specimens accumulated since 2007 (phase 1)
  2. Digitisation SAIAB institutional publications, slides and artwork
  3. Databasing and geo-referencing of the plant family Aizoaceae at the Bolus Herbarium
  4. Digitisation of the insect collection at the Durban Natural Science Museum
  5. Digitization of Proteaceae at Compton Herbarium
  6. Digitization of ferns at Compton Herbarium
  7. Digitization of DNA plant extracts and animal tissue records


  1. The South African National Survey of Arachnida (SANSA): consolidating of data
  2. Digitisation of specimen data from the arc national collection of fungi: herbarium collection (PREM)
  3. The databasing of chalcidoidea (parasitic hymenoptera) collection at the ARC Plant Protection Research Institute
  4. Nematode databases: national collection of nematodes and South African plant-parasitic nematode survey
  5. Continuation of electronic data capture of new material on to “Specify” database, and checking of previously catalogued information in the national collection of freshwater invertebrates, Albany Museum
  6. Database of the terrestrail insect collections of the Albany Museum
  7. Digitisation of ISAM’s (Iziko South African Museum’s) miscellaneous marine invertebrate collection
  8. Imaging of ISAM’s marine biology type specimens
  9. Digitization and type imaging of Hymenoptera & Coleoptera in South African museums
  10. Database of South African seaweeds: phase 3
  11. Cataloguing the backlog of SAIAB fish specimens accumulated since 2007 (phase 2)
  12. Using BRAHMS (Botanical Research And Herbarium Management System) and SALLI to expedite and enhance digitisation of herbarium specimens in South Africa
  13. Databasing and geo-referencing of the plant family Aizoaceae at the Compton Herbarium and geo-referencing of Agathosma (Rutaceae) at the Bolus Herbarium
  14. Threatened plant specimen digitization for South Africa
  15. Bringing archival seabird distribution data into the South African Bird Atlas Project database
  16. Digitisation of the African waterfowl enquiry (1954–1970)
  17. Digitisation of the South African Diatom Collection phase 2
  18. Management of data migration to Specify 6


  1. Databasing of the terrestrial insect collections of the Albany Museum
  2. Continuation of electronic data capture of new material on to “Specify” database, and checking of previously catalogued information in the national collection of freshwater invertebrates, Albany Museum, Grahamstown
  3. The databasing of Ichneumonoidea (parasitic Hymenoptera) collection at the ARC (Agricultural Research Council)
  4. Digitization of teleomorph/anamorph specimen data from the national collection of fungi: herbarium collection (PREM)
  5. Digitisation of the insect collection at the Durban Natural Science Museum
  6. Digitization and type imaging of Lepidoptera in ISAM
  7. Completion of digitization and continuation of type imaging of Coleoptera in ISAM
  8. Completion of digitization and continuation with type imaging of Hymenoptera in ISAM
  9. Digitization of the Natal Museum arthropod collections
  10. Distribution and diversity patterns of South African insect pollinators of ecosystem services importance
  11. Rollout of the digitisation of Aizoaceae specimens to regional herbaria in South Africa using BRAHMS and SALLI
  12. Virtual herbarium and database of invasive alien species and problem plants in KwaZulu-Natal
  13. Collation of dung beetle occurrence data in South African museums (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae; Scarabaeinae)
  14. Capturing distribution and host data for South African ticks (Acari: Ixodidae)